Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Open Letter to Senator of CT

Dear senator,

My name is David Robert, and I have a real good question for you.

We live in a society of several religions, right? We live in a society of several family styles, right? Whether mom and pop families, single familes, gay families, families who the breadwinner could work nights/weekends/days etc etc… Overall, we all have our own schedules and priorities to do in life, correct?

Then why is it that 99% of Connecticut closes early on Sunday? Really, why? Are we still trying to maintain the standards of our founders back when the great country of America was still growing?

There's simply NO reason to close businesses early simply because it's sunday. What is"sunday"? A religious holiday? It isn't. Please.. Walmart is open on christmas eve, easter, new year's eve, and all other major holidays. But why are stores, like walmart, closing early on sunday? What's so speacial about sunday?

Do you realize that people like you and me, who work 9-5, Monday thru Friday, rely on the weekends to get things done?

It’s about 5:20pm on a Sunday afternoon, and I was kicked out of my local gym because they close at 5pm on Sunday. My local gym!! I’m just trying to exercise and become a healthier individual - something that I feel provides benefit to myself, my health plan, the state, etc etc...– but I can’t lift weights or run on the treadmill, beause it’s “Sunday” , the day that Connecticut closes early because of 1800's religious policies.

Really... you can’t even buy alcohol in a store on Sunday! Really.. EVERYTHING closes early on Sunday – why is that? Why are we in the year 2006, but stuck back in the year of 1776? I mean, yeah, it may be a “school night”.. and it may be a “work night” for those who work 9-5… but so is Monday thru Friday! I can buy alcohol on a monday night... why not sunday night? Because "god" may look down upon me? Really.. come on, let's be reasonable here...

Why must we ALL suffer based on the standards and practices of the catholic and protestant founders of the country? I’ll admit, I go to church every Sunday, and I’m religious, but I don’t feel that my free time on the weekends should be limited due to “religious reasons” … causing everything to be closed. It’s unfair, and unconstitutional.

David Robert

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